Sunday 28 December 2014

Founder of Amazon

Jeff Bezos
In 1995  Jeffrey Bezos(founder and CEO) founded the famous e-commerce website Amazon.
Its headquaters is in Seattle Washington.It is the largest internet based company in USA.
It was  initially an online bookstore and it became one of the first success of internet economy as an e-Commerce website.
Bezos decided that books were a good product to market through Amazon.
Several million books are in printed at any one time,
with about 275,000 titles or editions added in 2007 in the United States alone.
 Over the years the company’s offerings have expanded beyond books to
34 different categories of merchandise, including software,
music, video, electronics, apparel, home furnishings, and
even nonperishable gourmet food and groceries.
Amazon is now providing Web hosting service also.
And its service had also expanded to lot more countries  in the world including India.
the company achieved its first profitable year in 2003.
Since then growth has remained steady and generally impressive.
 In 2005, earned $8.49 billion revenues with a net
income of $359 million.
Now Amazon is one the top most leading online marketer.

Note:Stay tuned for more information regarding various categories.

Saturday 27 December 2014


Hope you all have done with installing IDE if not so, then install it first as said in our previous post.

It will be better if you install NET BEANS  IDE. Because all the Example in our blog will be Executed in NET BEANS.

So before starting java let me say what you will  learn here

To understand java in depth i am separating it in two levels

Link to Download NetBeans:

Basics of java

Level :1

1)OOP concepts brush up
2)Data types
8)this Keyword
9)Super Keyword
10)Getting Input from keyboard using Scanner Class.
11)Static Keyword
12)Final Keyword
15)Overloading and Overriding


22)Graphics programming in java
23)Event handling
24)Network Programing

Tommorrow i will post  OOP concepts ,Check it out and post your doubts in comment box.We are always there to clear your doubt..

Let me know any mistake in the i can correct it.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Installing JDK and Initial Setup

           The first step in Java Programming  is Installing the Latest Version of JDK(Java Development Kit) and Environment variable setup.Without this we can't do anything.
           After Installing the JDK in the 'C' or some directory.The next step is to setup the Environment variables.
What is the Pupose of setting Environment Variables?
While a code has to executed,we simply run it from bin directory rather than that its lot more easier to setup a environment variable and it extends our usability that we can place java file anywhere in the computer and can be executed using command prompt.
How to Setup Environment Variable?
Assumed that jdk is installed in C directory.
1.Right-click on 'My Computer' and select 'Properties'. 
2.Click on the 'Environment variables' button under the 'Advanced' tab.
3.Click on New and make variable name as "Path" and value as  
   I hope you are done with the inital setup of java Environment in your system.
How Java code can be compiled and executed?
Java code can be executed in two ways.
1.By using the command prompt.
javac compile to byte code)
java  classfilename(To execute the class file)
2.Using a Integrated Devolpment Environment.
There are two fabulous IDE's.
Eclipse -
I myself recommend you to stick with IDE because it allows various error correction mechanisms too.
 I wish to conclude this post that,these are basic things to be done to work with java. So next we are going to write a Simple program and after that we are 
going to discuss about the essential things to be master in java.

(It may really bored one who already known this,I am writing for absolute beginners too so i am including these ideas but after some posts it'll be really interesting
 for the programmers too)

Java Programming Introduction

            Just entering straight into the matter.Lets discuss about java programming right now it'll extend some days in between that there are lot more cool stuffs for those who are really craze about computers.
           At various instance we only start programming with C or C++ but its all common with java except something.

Why I starting with java?
              If u believe that you can start programming only with C and i"ll assure you that you can definitely do the same in java.It's soo easier and lot more features in java let you do more than a procedural language.

Brief Introduction about Java:                                   
                    Java is invented by JamesGosling in 1995 while he is working at Sun  Microsystems now it is undertaken by Oracle corporation.
                     Its been a populous and fabulous language for many years.
Because of its WORA(Write Once Read Anywhere)compatibility its stunning the programming world.
                    Its a easier language too and it has lot of oppurtunities in the developing environment.
                    It has so much of Advantages and its has unique features too.
                  Actually we are not going to write theory about java.These things are more than enough.
      The main objective is to play with the code and master with basics of java programming.
So next step is we are going to step into java programming,so stay tuned. 

Note:I may post lots of updates in a day so check frequently.And i kindly request you to post comments that will help us to improve myself.If u want any specific information i'll do the needful.



World's first Computer Programmer!

Even a person who is master at programming may not know who is the worlds first computer programmer.
Before going  to speak about the programming we must know  who is the first programmer.

Lady Ada Lovelace(1815-1852)

Yeah,She is the world's first Computer programmer.
She studied at University of London and the awesome information is she wrote the world's first program for Babbage's (Father of Computer) Difference Engine or Analytical Engine.
She met Charles Babbage and learned about his computer
design, she translated his work and wrote the world’s first
computer program.

Welcome Note!

Hey there!            

               My hearty welcome to this Computer  related web log.In this blog i am going to post all useful and important information related with Computer Science.              

          Here I also planned to post updates regarding basics and intermediate level of Computer programming Languages.        

      Once again i welcome you to this blog and don't miss the useful stuff going to be posted.